

** Please have you child read at least

2 books on ReadingAZ this week.

You can choose the day that work

best for you. After reading the story,

please complete the quiz that follows. 


Please continue to email me the name of your child's independent

reading book each day. If you're running out of books please check

out Our school has a free subscription during

the closure and this site is full of awesome books for the kids!


As your child reads, you can focus on 1 or 2 of the questions below:

"Asking" type questions

  • What happens in the story?  After telling the events in order, write what happens at the beginning, middle and end.  
  • What problem does the main character have in this story?  How does the character solve the problem?
  • What did the author want you to learn from this text?
  • Explain how (name of character) feels at the end of the story.  Use 2-3 details from the story to support your answer.
  • If you could rewrite the ending, how would you change it?  Why?
  • Write about the new facts you learned about the topic of your informational (nonfiction) book and how they changed what you already knew?
  • What happens in the story?  After telling the events in order, write what happens at the beginning, middle, and end?
  • How does the main character feel in the beginning of the story?  How does he or she feel at the end? What does the character say or do to make you think this way?
  • How did the author organize the book and why was it organized this way?
  • How did what you have learned about this topic add to what you already knew?


"Building vocabulary" questions

  • Ask your child to act out a part of the story using sound, facial expressions, and physical movement to demonstrate what certain words mean.
  • Ask your child the meaning of words from the pages and ask them to use the illustrations to help figure out what the words mean.
  • Identify the words that were unfamiliar. What part of the text helped you to figure out what the word meant? Encourage your child to use the illustrations to help figure out what the words mean.
  • Besides the words that the author uses, what are other words you can use to describe the character’s actions or feelings?  Why did you choose these words?
  • Ask your child to point out compound words in their books and explain the meanings (for example, football, bedtime, cookbook, etc.).
  • Ask your child to identify any words of which he or she did not know the meaning.  Have your child write the word and reread the sentences in the text with the words in them.   After discussing what the sentences are saying and using any illustrations, ask your child how he/she can determine the meaning of an unknown word next time.


"Connect with the world" questions

  • Ask your child to write about what would happen if he/she were was a character in the book.  How would he or she solve the problem in the story?
  • Have your child write about new facts that were learned from the informational book read.
  • Ask your child:  Do you agree with the author’s point of view? Why or why not?
  • What is the big problem that is at the heart of this story?  Write about how this problem exists in the real world and how it is solved or worked through.
  • Write about how the new information you have learned from an information text has changed your thinking about the topic of the text.  
  • Have your child identify any text features (such as maps, tables, charts, captions, photos, etc.) that helped him or her to make meaning of the book.  
  • Ask your child:  What features helped you to understand the topic the most?  Why?  Have your child look for features like these in other books.
  • What big problem did your character have to solve?  How is that like a problem have you had to solve?